Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a Medicare referral?

Dr Stewart is happy to see patients without a Medicare referral, however no Medicare rebate will be applicable.

Can I drive to my appointment?

If you are visiting Dr Stewart with a condition that may require a small procedure or dilating drops, it is often better to have someone bring you to the appointment.  Please call Queensland Ophthalmic Specialists if you have any questions relating to this. 

How much does an appointment cost?

Please contact our bookings team who will be able to advise on the relevant consultation costs and applicable medicare rebates.  Should a procedure or specific examination be required to further assess your condition there may be an additional cost.  Should you have any concerns Dr Stewart is happy to discuss these at your appointment.

How much time do I need off work?

For most surgical procedures Dr Stewart recommends taking the week off work.

When are my stitches removed?

Dr Stewart will remove most sutures (stitches) at the 1 week post-operative visit.  There is no charge for this appointment. 

When can I go back to normal activities/exercise?

Depending on your procedure, Dr Stewart recommends a graded return to normal activities.  Gentle exercise is allowed after the sutures have been removed and more vigorous exercise in the weeks that follow. Dr Stewart suggests avoiding exercise which creates sweat where sutures are located for at least a week following suture removal. Swimming is generally best avoided for a few weeks following surgery.

Can I shower/wash my hair following surgery?

In most cases Dr Stewart suggests keeping the surgical wound dry for the first 24-48 hrs and only using the prescribed ointments/drops.  You are able to have a shower, just avoid getting your wounds wet.  After the first 48hrs you can wash your hair and shower, but do not specifically wet the wound.  If it gets wet just pat the area dry gently and apply the prescribed ointment. 

What should I avoid doing after surgery?

It is essential to avoid rubbing your eyes following the surgery as this can cause issues with wound healing and surgical outcomes.  Lifting heavy objects should eb avoided for the first few weeks after surgery. 

How much bruising and swelling can I expect following surgery?

Depending on your procedure, age and skin type, bruising and swelling can be common.  Swelling is normally most noticeable at day 2 following surgery, bruising can be a few days after this. Effectively using cold compresses and ice as instructed will keep these to a minimum. 

Where is Surgery performed?

Dr Stewart performs most surgical procedures at Westside Private Hospital. He also operates at St Andrew’s War memorial hospital and in the minor procedure room at Queensland Ophthalmic Specialists. He will advise you on the most appropriate location for your surgery.

What type of Anaesthesia will I have?

Most patients having routine eyelid surgery will have their procedure performed under twilight anaesthesia with local anaesthetic.  For tumour reconstructions, lacrimal and orbital surgery, patients will usually have a general anaesthetic.  Should you have any specific concerns regarding your type of anaesthesia, please discuss these with Dr Stewart.

Do I wear an eye patch following surgery?

Patients who are discharged with a dressing on their eye will usually remove this themselves the following day.  You are provided with a plastic shield to protect the wounds and this is generally worn at night.

Do I need ongoing follow-up after my surgery?

Dr Stewart will discuss the ongoing follow-up requirements with you when the surgery is booked or at the first post-operative appointment.  These vary between conditions and also depend on whether the patient is locally based.